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Airport Taxi Scam: What I Have Learned So Far

Last updated on May 23, 2023

We all want our experiences in any new country to be good, but what if we encounter an airport taxi scam as soon as we land?

Unfortunately, I have been through this type of problem many times, and if you ask “Have you ever been the victim of an airport taxi scam in a foreign country?”

My answer would be Yes!!!… in Almaty, Kazakhstan

So have I learned or tried to learn from this experience?

My answer would once again be yes. We learn from our experiences and it is better for you to learn from my experience 🙂

Now you must be thinking how can we avoid this scam?

From what I have learned so far, if we choose one of these options, we can at least avoid this airport taxi scam.

Using Public Transport

In most countries, the public transport system is very good, cheap and safe. Also, these public transport networks are connected to airports, railway stations and bus terminals.

But it is also observed that the public transport system is operational during certain hours and if you land at the airport outside of these hours, you may not be able to avail this option.

Hotels with airport transfer

The hotel or hostel where you will book accommodation can also provide airport transfer but their charges for this service may be higher.

Uber or any similar service

If the airport has internet access, use Uber or a similar service. This is also a popular option but you need to make sure which service works in the country you are visiting


I came to know about this service in 2018 and during the last four years, I have used this service quite a few times.

i’way can be booked in advance, rates are fixed and you do not have to face any mishaps when you reach the drop-off.

Still confused? check out the silent features of i’way

You may also try this service if you want to avoid any unpleasant surprises on the first day in a new country.

Published inKazakhstanTips & Tricks

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