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Excuse me, do you have a spare cigarette for a ‘lost’ soul in a new country?

Last updated on May 17, 2023

As a traveler, I have always been fascinated by the beauty and diversity of different cultures. One of my favorite things about traveling is the opportunity to meet new people and learn about their way of life. I especially love the challenge of overcoming language barriers and making meaningful connections with locals.

On a trip to Kazakhstan, I discovered a unique way to start conversations with the locals. Although I am not a smoker, I would approach people, particularly men, and ask if they had a cigarette. To my surprise, this simple request would often lead to a conversation and a chance to learn about their life, culture, and experiences.

One of my most memorable interactions took place on the streets of Almaty. I approached a man who was sitting on a bench, smoking a cigarette. I asked him if he could spare one, and he was more than happy to share. We struck up a conversation and talked about his life as a local. He was proud to show me his city and share his favorite spots with me. He took me to a small restaurant where we tried local cuisine and talked more about the history and culture of the area.

Another memorable experience was when I asked a group of young men for a cigarette while they were playing soccer in a park. They invited me to join in their game, and we had a blast playing together. The language barrier was a challenge, but we managed to communicate through gestures and laughter. After the game, we shared a drink and talked about our respective cultures.

These interactions taught me that a simple request for a cigarette can lead to meaningful connections and cultural exchanges. It showed me that the smallest gestures can make a big difference in breaking down barriers and bringing people together.

As a Pakistani traveler, I was pleased to see that the hospitality and generosity of the people in Kazakhstan were similar to what I have experienced in my own country. These encounters also gave me a deeper appreciation for the beauty and richness of different cultures, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have these experiences.

My travels have taught me that the world is full of kindness and beauty, and that we are all connected by our humanity. I believe that it is through these small gestures of kindness and open-mindedness that we can break down barriers and build bridges between cultures. And who knows, maybe the next time I travel, I will find a new way to connect with people and make the world a little smaller and a lot friendlier.

Published inKazakhstan

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